proc optmodel; set Period = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}; set Period_with_Zero = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}; number MaterialCost = 75; /* $/unit */ number InvHoldingCost = 25; /* $/unit-month */ number StockoutCost = 50; /* $/unit-month */ number HiringCost = 1200; /* $ */ number LayingOffCost = 3600; /* $ */ number LaborHoursPerUnit = 4; /* hr/unit */ number LaborCost = 2400; /* $/month */ number OvertimeCost = 25; /* $/hr */ number OutsourcingCost = 175; /* $/unit */ number HoursEmployee = 160; /* hr/month-employee */ number MaxOvertime = 10; /* hr/month-employee */ number StartingInventory = 500; /* units */ number EndingInventory = 500; /* units */ number StartingBacklog = 0; /* units */ number EndingBacklog = 0; /* units */ number StartingWorkforce = 36; /* employees */ number MinEndingWorkforce = 30; /* employees */ number MaxEndingWorkforce = 36; /* employees */ number Demand{Period}=[2800 2800 1000 920 780 950 1050 1200 2000 2500 3000 2800]; var Inventory{Period_with_Zero} >= 0; var Workforce{Period_with_Zero} integer >= 0; var Backlogged{Period_with_Zero} >= 0; var EmployeesHired{Period} integer >=0 ; var EmployeesFired{Period} integer >=0; var Overtime{Period} >= 0; var InternalProduction{Period} >= 0; var OutsourcedProduction{Period} >= 0; minimize TotalCost = /*Regular Labor Cost*/ LaborCost*sum{t in Period}(Workforce[t]) + /*Overtime Labor Cost*/ OvertimeCost*sum{t in Period}(Overtime[t]) + /*Cost of Hiring*/ HiringCost*sum{t in Period}(EmployeesHired[t]) + /*Cost of Firing*/ LayingOffCost*sum{t in Period}(EmployeesFired[t]) + /*Cost of Inventory*/ InvHoldingCost*sum{t in Period}(Inventory[t]) + /*Cost of Stockouts*/ StockoutCost*sum{t in Period}(Backlogged[t]) + /*Cost of Materials*/ MaterialCost*sum{t in Period}(InternalProduction[t]) + /*Cost of Outsourcing*/ OutsourcingCost*sum{t in Period}(OutsourcedProduction[t]) ; con StartInventory: Inventory[0]=StartingInventory; con StartBacklog: Backlogged[0]=StartingBacklog; con StartWorkforce: Workforce[0]=StartingWorkforce; con EndInventory: Inventory[12]>=EndingInventory; con EndBacklog: Backlogged[12]<=EndingBacklog; con MinEndWorkforce: Workforce[12]>=MinEndingWorkforce; con MaxEndWorkforce: Workforce[12]<=MaxEndingWorkforce; con ComputeInventory{t in Period}: Inventory[t]=Inventory[t-1]+InternalProduction[t]+OutsourcedProduction[t]+Backlogged[t]-Backlogged[t-1]-Demand[t]; con ComputeWorkforce{t in Period}: Workforce[t]=Workforce[t-1]+EmployeesHired[t]-EmployeesFired[t]; con MaximOvertime{t in Period}: Overtime[t]<=MaxOvertime*Workforce[t]; con MaxInternalProduction{t in Period}: InternalProduction[t]*LaborHoursPerUnit<=HoursEmployee*Workforce[t]+Overtime[t]; solve; print TotalCost Inventory Workforce EmployeesHired EmployeesFired Overtime Backlogged InternalProduction OutsourcedProduction; quit;